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A Canadian Classic;
Maritime Made.


welcome to the crazy world of cheese!

At Fromagerie PEI, we do our best to provide you with that fix you are looking for. For starters, Squeak-ies Cheese Curds are made with passion. We gathered a small following by word of mouth and an infamous deal with the devil…

They’re great; you’ve gotta try ‘em!
We guarantee it’ll be the point of no return.

Learn more ➝


just look at them!

The real connoisseur will eat them right out of the bag.

They taste the best at room temperature (1 hour out of the fridge and away from sunlight for best results) - that’s when they Squeak!

Keeping the most moisture in the cheese curd makes for a bigger squeak! You might see a little water in the bag; that’s the staple of freshness.

Congratulations, you are now a cheese connoisseur!
Websters Dictionary refers to us as “Turophile”. 


online ordering available now!
what’re waiting for?!